Code Course Type Regular Semester Theory Practice Lab Credits ECTS
BUS 354 C 6 3 0 0 3 6
Academic staff member responsible for the design of the course syllabus (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) Dr. Besjon Zenelaj
Main Course Lecturer (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: Dr. Besjon Zenelaj , Tuesday, 11:30-12:30 and Wednesday, 11:30-12:30
Second Course Lecturer(s) (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: NA
Language: English
Compulsory/Elective: Elective
Study program: (the study for which this course is offered) Bachelor in Economics (3 years)
Classroom and Meeting Time:
Teaching Assistant(s) and Office Hours: NA
Code of Ethics: Code of Ethics of EPOKA University
Regulation of EPOKA University "On Student Discipline"
Attendance Requirement:
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the principles of brand and brand management basics. Moreover this course gives some insight on practical applications of branding. Companies in order to gain competitive advantage in this highly competitive market need to focus on building strong brands. Branding is the concept which can be applied to nearly anything. Also brand dimensions are being exploited during this course. Relationship of branding together with other concepts such as strategy and management is another important point of this course.
Course Objectives: Consumer branding is the focal point of all businesses, domestic and global. Challenges in developing effective consumer brands must be integrated with the company’s short and long-term strategic and operational plans. One of the major goals is to identify branding issues in depth, experienced by marketing firms. Topics included are challenges and changes in marketing branding strategies that worked yesterday but likely will not fit tomorrow’s customer, managing the distribution channel to build brand equity, developing effective communication strategies in a digital environment, establishing effective global brands by region, issues-attributes-challenges in building domestic and global customer relationships.
1 Branding
2 Management
3 Personality
4 Value
5 Perception
6 Positioning
7 Evaluation
8 Value Driven
9 Market
10 Sustainability
Week Topics
1 Brands and Brand Management. Brands refer to a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies a product or service offered by a company and distinguishes it from its competitors. Brand management involves the process of creating, developing, maintaining, and improving a brand's image and reputation to increase its perceived value in the marketplace. Effective brand management includes defining the brand's target audience, developing a brand identity and messaging strategy, creating a unique and memorable brand name, design, and logo, establishing brand guidelines and standards, and managing the brand's reputation through various marketing and communication channels. Brand management also involves monitoring and analyzing customer feedback, market trends, and competitors to identify opportunities to enhance the brand's positioning, messaging, and overall value. By building a strong brand and effectively managing it over time, companies can increase customer loyalty, improve their reputation, and ultimately drive sales and revenue growth. CH1
2 Customer Based Brand Equity. Customer-based brand equity refers to the value that a brand holds in the minds of its customers. It is the extent to which customers associate a brand with positive attributes, such as quality, reliability, and innovation, and the emotional connection they have with the brand. The foundation of customer-based brand equity lies in the customers' perceptions of the brand, which are influenced by various factors, including brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty, and brand associations. Brand awareness is the extent to which customers are familiar with a brand, while brand image refers to the unique set of characteristics that customers associate with a brand. CH2
3 Brand Positioning. Brand positioning refers to the process of creating a unique and differentiated image of a brand in the minds of its target customers. It involves defining the key benefits and attributes of a brand and communicating them to the target audience in a compelling and relevant manner. Effective brand positioning helps a brand stand out from competitors and establishes a clear and relevant place in the market. It requires a deep understanding of the target audience, their needs, and their preferences, as well as the competitive landscape. Companies can use various strategies, such as price, quality, innovation, and customer service, to position their brand in the market and create a strong and differentiated brand image. ch3
4 Choosing Brand Elements and Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity. Choosing brand elements and designing marketing programs are critical components in building brand equity. Brand elements, such as brand name, logo, packaging, and other visual and verbal cues, help customers identify and remember a brand. Designing marketing programs that consistently deliver the brand's promise and value to the customers can help create positive brand associations and enhance brand awareness. Companies must consider several factors, such as the brand's target audience, competition, and positioning, when selecting brand elements and designing marketing programs. By creating a strong and consistent brand identity and delivering a compelling brand experience to the customers, companies can build strong brand equity and gain a competitive advantage in the market. CH4
5 Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Equity. Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a strategic approach to marketing that involves coordinating all aspects of a company's communication and promotional efforts to create a consistent and compelling brand image. By integrating all communication channels, such as advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and digital marketing, companies can deliver a consistent message to their target audience and build brand equity over time. Effective IMC strategies can enhance brand awareness, create a strong and positive brand image, and increase customer loyalty. Companies must ensure that their communication messages are aligned with their brand positioning, values, and personality to build a strong and differentiated brand equity in the marketplace. CH 5
6 Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance. Measuring and interpreting brand performance is essential to assess a brand's health and its effectiveness in achieving its marketing objectives. Metrics such as brand awareness, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and brand value can provide insights into a brand's performance and its impact on the business. By tracking these metrics over time, companies can identify areas of strength and weakness and make informed decisions to improve their brand performance. Interpreting brand performance metrics requires analyzing the data in the context of the competitive landscape, market trends, and customer preferences to identify opportunities for brand growth and development. Effective measurement and interpretation of brand performance can help companies make better strategic decisions and drive long-term brand equity. CH 6
7 Mid-Term Week
8 Designing and Implementing Branding Strategies. Designing and implementing branding strategies involves creating a roadmap for building and managing a brand over time. A branding strategy outlines the key elements of the brand, including its target audience, brand identity, brand positioning, and messaging strategy. It also includes the tactics and activities required to build and promote the brand, such as advertising, public relations, digital marketing, and other communication channels. Implementing a branding strategy requires careful planning, resource allocation, and execution to ensure that the brand is consistently delivering on its promise and value to customers. By designing and implementing an effective branding strategy, companies can build a strong and differentiated brand that drives customer loyalty and business growth. CH 7
9 National Holiday
10 Introducing and Naming New Products and Brand Extensions. Introducing and naming new products and brand extensions is a critical process that involves developing a new product or extending an existing product line under an existing brand. It requires a deep understanding of the target audience, their needs, and preferences, as well as the competitive landscape. Effective product and brand naming strategies can help create a strong and differentiated brand identity and drive customer engagement and loyalty. Companies must consider several factors, such as brand relevance, brand differentiation, and brand consistency, when introducing and naming new products and brand extensions to ensure that they align with the brand's overall positioning and promise. By creating a compelling product and brand identity, companies can build brand equity and drive long-term business growth. CH 8
11 Managing Brands over Time. Managing brands over time is a continuous process of monitoring, evaluating, and adapting a brand's strategies and activities to maintain and enhance its relevance and effectiveness in the market. It involves tracking the brand's performance and its impact on the business, as well as staying updated on market trends, customer needs, and competitive landscape. Effective brand management requires a deep understanding of the brand's identity, positioning, and values, as well as a commitment to delivering a consistent brand experience to the customers. By managing brands over time, companies can sustain brand equity, enhance customer loyalty, and drive long-term business success. CH 9
12 Managing Brands over Geographic Boundaries and Market Segments. Managing brands over geographic boundaries and market segments involves adapting the brand's strategies and activities to meet the unique needs and preferences of diverse customer segments in different regions and markets. It requires a deep understanding of the cultural, social, and economic factors that influence customer behavior and purchase decisions. Effective global and segment brand management involves creating tailored messaging and communication strategies, as well as developing products and services that meet the specific needs of each market segment. Companies must also consider the competitive landscape and regulatory environment in each region to ensure that their brand strategy aligns with local market conditions. By managing brands over geographic boundaries and market segments, companies can expand their customer base and drive long-term business growth. ch 10
13 Project presentations
14 National Holiday
Textbook(s): Heding, T., Knudtzen, C. F., & Bjerre, M. (2020). Brand management: Mastering research, theory and practice. Routledge.
Additional Literature: Kevin Lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, 4thd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2013
Laboratory Work:
Computer Usage:
Others: No
1 Develop an understanding of the key concepts, principles, and strategies involved in building and managing strong brands.
2 Understand the role of branding in creating customer value and driving business growth.
3 Be able to understand how “strong” brands are created and what should be done to maintain strong brands over time.
4 Learn how to conduct brand audits and develop brand strategies that align with business objectives and target audience needs.
5 Develop skills in designing and executing effective branding campaigns across multiple channels and touchpoints.
6 Explore the challenges of managing brands across different markets and customer segments.
7 Develop a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and decision-making processes related to brand selection and loyalty.
8 Analyze case studies and real-world examples of successful and unsuccessful branding initiatives and learn from them.
9 Understand the ethical and social responsibility implications of branding decisions and strategies.
10 Develop critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills through group projects, presentations, and discussions.
(Blank : no contribution, 1: least contribution ... 5: highest contribution)
No Program Competencies Cont.
Bachelor in Economics (3 years) Program
Method Quantity Percentage
Midterm Exam(s)
Final Exam
Total Percent: 100%
Activities Quantity Duration(Hours) Total Workload(Hours)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 3 48
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 16 4 64
Mid-terms 1 3 3
Assignments 0
Final examination 1 3 3
Other 16 2 32
Total Work Load:
Total Work Load/25(h):
ECTS Credit of the Course: