Code Course Type Regular Semester Theory Practice Lab Credits ECTS
LAW 308 B 6 3 0 0 3 5
Academic staff member responsible for the design of the course syllabus (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) Dr. Avdi Smajljaj
Main Course Lecturer (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: Dr. Avdi Smajljaj
Second Course Lecturer(s) (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: NA
Language: English
Compulsory/Elective: Compulsory
Study program: (the study for which this course is offered) Integrated second cycle study program in Law
Classroom and Meeting Time:
Teaching Assistant(s) and Office Hours: NA
Code of Ethics: Code of Ethics of EPOKA University
Regulation of EPOKA University "On Student Discipline"
Attendance Requirement:
Course Description: Lënda synon të japë njohuri të thelluara dhe bashkëkohore për të drejtën europiane në këndvështrimin institucional dhe material me qëllim që të përgatisë sa më mirë kandidatët për karrierë profesionale në këtë fushë si dhe me mundësinë e thellimit mbi çështjet europiane. Qëllimi i këtij kursi është gjithashtu të thelloje njohuritë mbi mënyrën e organizimit dhe funksionimin e institucioneve europiane, mbi problemet aktuale të reformimit te tyre, çështjet lidhur me politikat e zgjerimit si dhe të perspektivave të tij.
Course Objectives: The course aims to introduce students to the process of the EU integration including enlargement, EU governance, its institutional structure, decision making and policy making, as well EU law making and implementation; processes and actors; and sectoral policies. Furthermore, a particular attention will be paid to new developments in the process of European integration like Brexit and its impact on the future developments in the EU.
1 EU political system
2 EU policies
3 EU governance
Week Topics
1 Introduction to the course. The students are introduced to the syllabus of the course, brief content, reading materials, evaluation methods, learning outcomes of the course, and other course policies.
2 Historical development of European integration. The students here are introduced to the historical development of the European integration, starting from context out of which the integration initial steps developed, to continue with Treaty of Paris and ECSC, then Treaty of Rome with Common market and Euroatom, the European Unique Act, treaty of Maastricht and the establishment of the EU, treaty of Amsterdam, treaty of Nice, the Constitution treaty and its failure, to be concluded by treaty of Lisbon. Cini 2020, pp.9-31.
3 Theories of European integration. The students are introduced to the main theories of European integration, supranationalist theory like neo-functionalism, and intergovernmentalist theory like liberal inter-governmentalism. Cini 2020, pp. 53-102.
4 Europeanisation. The students here are introduced to the concept of europeanisation from various perspectives, starting from a normative up to the empirical dimension of europeanisation. Cini 2020, pp. 115-127.
5 Multilevel Governance and the EU Political System. The students are introduced to the political system of the EU, starting from the federal features that the system has, to continue with the governance approach and the issue of democracy and legitimacy in the EU. Cini 2020, pp. 102-115; 127-141.
6 The EU Institutions I. The students here are introduced to the main key institutions of the EU and decision making and policy making of the EU political system, including the multi level governance. The main institutions covered here are: the European Council, the Council of the EU, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the ECJ and the EUGC, the ECB, the Court of Auditors, the Regional Committee and Economic and Social Committee as consultative bodies. Cini 2020, pp. 141-233. The content is divided in two weeks.
7 The EU Institutions II. The students here are introduced to the main key institutions of the EU and decision making and policy making of the EU political system, including the multi level governance. The main institutions covered here are: the European Council, the Council of the EU, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the ECJ and the EUGC, the ECB, the Court of Auditors, the Regional Committee and Economic and Social Committee as consultative bodies. Cini 2020, pp. 141-233. The content is divided in two weeks.
8 Policy making and decision making in the EU. The students here will be introduced to the policymaking models within the EU, reflecting the variety into the width and depth of integration, fitting into the models of policymaking. It includes community model, distributive model, regulatory model, and trans-governmental model. Cini 2020, pp. 235-253.
9 Mid-term Exam
10 Enlargement, Foreign Security and Defense Policy. The students here are introduced to the enlargement policy of the EU, actors involved, the process, decision making. Specific focus is made to the six Western Balkan states, and the new enlargement strategy. Within the week are also covered the CFSP/CSDP with the current challenges within both policies, and also institutional and decision making structures within each of them. Cini 2020, pp. 266-295.
11 The area of freedom security and justice, the single market. The students here are introduced to the area of freedom, security, and justice, its multilevel governance and its level of integration in relations between the member states and the EU. Further within the week the students are introduced to the unique market and four freedoms, the way they are regulated: freedom of goods, freedom of services, freedom of establishment and free movement of workers, and freedom of capital. Cini 2020, pp. 295-310; 223-243.
12 The CAP, The environmental policy. The students here are introduced to the CAP, its establishment and development, the share in the EU budget, actors involved in the policy making, and reforms. Further the students are introduced to the environmental policy, its establishment, actors involved and the policy making and decision making processes. Cini 2020, pp. 358-387.
13 Economic and monetary union, Trade and development policy. The students here are introduced to the development of the monetary policy that represents the most integrated policy within the Eurozone, its decision making and policy making structure. While within the trade policy the students are introduced to the role of the EU institutions, especially the Commission on the trade policy, actors involved and the decision making process in inter-relation between member states and the EU institutions. Cini 2020, pp. 253-266; 343-358.
14 Course revision. In the last week there is a course revision and the preparation for the final exam.
Textbook(s): Cini, M. European Union Politics. Oxford University Press. 2020. Wallace, H. & Wallace, W. & Pollack, M. A.(Ed.). 6th Edition. 2021. Policy Making in the European Union. Oxford University Press, Oxford Lilieveldt, H. & Princen, S. 2011. The Politics of the European Union. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Blanke, H. & Mangiameli, S. 2012. The European Union after Lisbon: Constitutional Basis, Economic Order, and External Action. Springer, Heidelberg
Additional Literature:
Laboratory Work:
Computer Usage:
Others: No
1 describe the EU integration process from a theoretical, political and legal perspectives
2 explain the policy making and decision making process within the EU
3 identify the power structures at multi level governance of the EU
4 demonstrate the legal and administrative procedures within the EU institutions
5 analyse the integration process of the candidate states into the EU from the legal and political perspectives
(Blank : no contribution, 1: least contribution ... 5: highest contribution)
No Program Competencies Cont.
Integrated second cycle study program in Law Program
1 Fitimi dhe përdorimi i njohurive të avancuara në fushën e drejtësisë dhe jurisprudencës, mbështetur në tekstet mësimore, materialet dhe burimet e tjera shkencore. 5
2 Fitimi i njohurive rreth çështjeve dhe problematikave të fushës së drejtësisë, së bashku me analizën e aspekteve historike, shoqërore e politike. 4
3 Fitimi i njohurive rreth organizimit të shtetit. 5
4 Fitimi i njohurive rreth kapaciteteve të analizës lidhur me konceptet dhe ndarjet kryesore të degëve të së drejtës. 4
5 Përmirësimi i aftësive për të punuar së bashku me disiplinat kryesore të shkencave sociale dhe disiplinat e tjera të cilat janë të lidhura me drejtësinë. 4
6 Fitimi i njohurive rreth drejtësisë duke përthithur terminologjinë profesionale të fushës. 5
7 Përcaktimi i ngjarjeve dhe temave komplekse, nëpërmjet zhvillimit të diskutimeve dhe bërjes së sugjerimeve të reja në përputhje me hulumtimet e fushës. 5
8 Fitimi i aftësive në përdorimin e programeve kompjuterike dhe të teknologjisë së informacionit me qëllim arritjen e qasjes në dijen aktuale. 5
9 Përmirësimi i të menduarit kritik dhe aftësive në kryerjen e hulumtimit në mënyrë të pavarur. 5
10 Fitimi i njohurive për të folur në një gjuhë të huaj në një nivel të mjaftueshëm për të komunikuar me kolegët dhe për të kuptuar zhvillimet bashkëkohore në fushën e drejtësisë dhe të jurisprudencës. 5
11 Fitimi i aftësive për të respektuar vlerat shoqërore, shkencore dhe etike gjatë mbledhjes dhe interpretimit të të dhënave që kanë të bëjnë me zhvillimet shoqërore dhe atyre në drejtësi. 4
12 Ndërgjegjësimi në lidhje me rëndësinë e të drejtave të njeriut dhe mjedisit.
Method Quantity Percentage
Midterm Exam(s)
Final Exam
Total Percent: 100%
Activities Quantity Duration(Hours) Total Workload(Hours)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 3 48
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 14 3 42
Mid-terms 1 10 10
Assignments 1 10 10
Final examination 1 15 15
Other 0
Total Work Load:
Total Work Load/25(h):
ECTS Credit of the Course: