Code Course Type Regular Semester Theory Practice Lab Credits ECTS
ECE 445 C 99 3 2 0 4 7.5
Language: English
Compulsory/Elective: Elective
Classroom and Meeting Time:
Course Description: -
Course Objectives: The course aims to provide the main tools to analyze and design modern fiber optic communication systems. In particular, the course would like to give knowledge and understanding about: - linear effects in an optical fiber. - nonlinear effects in an optical fiber. - investigation of the transmission/amplification/detection of an optical signal. - the basic principles of a numerical simulation of an optical link.
Week Topics
1 Introduction, Brief history of optical communications. Ray optics. Snell's law. Total reflection. Single-mode fibers (overview).
2 Optical modulators. ITU-T grid. Review of digital communications and lasers. Return to zero formats. Phase modulation by Mach Zehnder modulators. In-phase/quadrature optical modulators.
3 Group velocity dispersion (GVD). Rigorous proof of GVD using Maxwell's equations. Attenuation. Group delay. Gaussian pulses. Dispersion length. Anomalous and normal dispersion. GVD in presence of signal's chirp. Instantaneous frequency. GVD in presence of signal chirp. Third order dispersion. Eye closure penalty in presence of GVD. Memory of GVD.
4 Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). Cross sections. Propagation equation and Rate equations. Reservoir. Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise. Noise figure of an EDFA. Friis's formula. Optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR). Exercises.
5 Photo-detectors: photo-diode. Quantum efficiency. Responsivity. P-i-n photodiode. Avalanche photo-diode (APD). Poisson statistics. Shot noise. Optical Receivers.
6 Bit error rate (BER) for on-off keying (OOK) transmission. Quantum limit. Sensitivity power. Thermal noise. Gaussian approximation and Personick's formula. Gaussian approximation with APD. Power budget. Relation between Sensitivity penalty and Eye closure penalty for PIN and APD. Case with GVD. Signal to spontaneous and spontaneous to spontaneous noise beat. BER with ASE noise: Gaussian approximation. Comparison of noise variances. Marcuse's formula. Exercises.
7 Noise figure of optical amplifiers measured in the electrical domain.
8 Polarization of light. Birefringence. Stokes formalism. Poincaré sphere. Review of unitary and Hermitian matrices. Polarization mode dispersion (PMD). Differential group delay. Principal states of polarization.
9 Coherent detection. Optical coupler. Differentially coherent detection: DPSK. Optical hybrid. Balanced detector. Polarization division multiplexing. Digital signal processing at the receiver. Electronic compensation of GVD and PMD. Carrier phase and frequency recovery.
10 Nonlinear Schroedinger equation (NLSE). Reasons for the cubic nonlinear effect. Self Phase Modulation (SPM). Comparison between temporal/frequency vision of SPM/GVD. Wave breaking (WB).
11 Amplifier chains: limitations of ASE noise and nonlinear Kerr effect. Inhomogeneous amplifier chains. Lagrange multipliers method.
12 Solitons. Proof of fundamental soliton. Notes on Higher order solitons and Dark solitons. Numerical examples of soliton propagation. Solitons problems. Solitons and ASE: sliding filters.
13 Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems. NLSE with separate fields. Cross-phase modulation (XPM) and four wave mixing (FWM). XPM filter. Walk-off coefficient.
14 Split-step Fourier method (SSFM). Formal solution using operators. Non commutative operators. SSFM with symmetrized and asymmetric step: accuracy. Choice of the step: constant step, step based on the nonlinear phase criterion, step based on the local error. Richardson extrapolation. Local error method: choice of the step size. The Matlab programming language.
Prerequisite(s): Digital Data Transmission, Digital Signal Processing and Electromagnetic waves.
Textbook: G. P. Agrawal, "Fiber-optic communication Systems", 3rd ed., Wiley, 2002;
Other References: G. P. Agrawal, "Nonlinear Fiber Optics", Academic Press
Laboratory Work:
Computer Usage:
Others: No
1 Analyze the main distortions of an optical link.
2 Understand and analyze the main sources of noise that impact the bit error rate of a digital transmission by means of fiber optics.
3 Find strategies to cope with the above problems
4 Design a fiber optic link.
5 Implement numerical algorithms for the analysis of nonlinear systems.
(Blank : no contribution, 1: least contribution ... 5: highest contribution)
No Program Competencies Cont.
Master of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering Program
1 Engineering graduates with sufficient theoretical and practical background for a successful profession and with application skills of fundamental scientific knowledge in the engineering practice. 5
2 Engineering graduates with skills and professional background in describing, formulating, modeling and analyzing the engineering problem, with a consideration for appropriate analytical solutions in all necessary situations 5
3 Engineering graduates with the necessary technical, academic and practical knowledge and application confidence in the design and assessment of machines or mechanical systems or industrial processes with considerations of productivity, feasibility and environmental and social aspects. 5
4 Engineering graduates with the practice of selecting and using appropriate technical and engineering tools in engineering problems, and ability of effective usage of information science technologies. 5
5 Ability of designing and conducting experiments, conduction data acquisition and analysis and making conclusions. 4
6 Ability of identifying the potential resources for information or knowledge regarding a given engineering issue. 4
7 The abilities and performance to participate multi-disciplinary groups together with the effective oral and official communication skills and personal confidence. 4
8 Ability for effective oral and official communication skills in foreign language. 4
9 Engineering graduates with motivation to life-long learning and having known significance of continuous education beyond undergraduate studies for science and technology. 4
10 Engineering graduates with well-structured responsibilities in profession and ethics. 3
11 Engineering graduates who are aware of the importance of safety and healthiness in the project management, workshop environment as well as related legal issues. 3
12 Consciousness for the results and effects of engineering solutions on the society and universe, awareness for the developmental considerations with contemporary problems of humanity. 2
Method Quantity Percentage
Midterm Exam(s)
Final Exam
Total Percent: 100%
Activities Quantity Duration(Hours) Total Workload(Hours)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 3 48
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 12 4 48
Mid-terms 1 25 25
Assignments 3 8 24
Final examination 1 27.5 27.5
Other 1 15 15
Total Work Load:
Total Work Load/25(h):
ECTS Credit of the Course: