Code Course Type Regular Semester Theory Practice Lab Credits ECTS
BAFAL 102 B 2 3 0 0 3 5
Academic staff member responsible for the design of the course syllabus (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) NA
Lecturer (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: Drini Salko , 3
Second Lecturer(s) (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: NA
Teaching Assistant(s) and Office Hours: NA
Language: Albanian
Compulsory/Elective: Compulsory
Classroom and Meeting Time: 102
Course Description: -
Course Objectives: Through the program of the module "Money and Banking", students will gain necessary information and skills on: a. Money in an economy. Main forms of money. Factors that decide the division in banknotes and coins. The gold reserves. Monetary aggregates and money supply. b. Inflation counted with consumer price index. Measuring inflation in Albania c. The modern and classic theories. Role of interest rates and markets. The financial system components. d. Financial instruments and markets. Different stages on financial intermediation. Commercial banks as the most important institutions of financial system e. Interest rates influence on the economic situation of a country. Interest rate channel an important transmission tool of monetary policies. Main factors that influence interest rates. The time value of money and time structure of interest rates. Projects supported from financial intermediaries f. Money market explanation and composition. Capital market explanation and instruments g. Two tier banking system in a market economy. The objectives of a central bank. The main objective of the Bank of Albania. Direct and indirect instruments of monetary policies of a central bank h. The evolution of commercial banking business. Main functions and objectives of commercial banks. Bank deposits. Bank loans. Investments of commercial banks. Objectives of investment portfolio. i. What is a cooperative bank. Distinctions from other financial intermediaries. Organization of a savings and loan association j. Problems on the banking markets. Competition and domination of institutions or products. Regulation for new banks and prudent supervision of their activities.
Week Topics
1 Chapter 1: The basics of money 1. What is money? 2. The functions of money 3. Evolution and forms of money 4. Money supply and monetary aggregates
2 Chapter 2: Money and inflation 1. The value of money. 2. Price Indexes. The use of price indexes 3. Inflation and the purchase power of money.
3 Chapter 4: The demand for money theories 1. The exchange equation. Classic version 2. The theory of liquidity preference of Keynes 3. Modern quantity theory of Friedman 4. Distinctions of the theories of Friedman and Keynes
4 Chapter 5: The Financial system 1. Introduction of financial system. Financial instruments and their classification. 2. The role of financial markets. Classification of financial markets 3. Financial institutions in a market economy.
5 Chapter 6: The basic concepts on interest rates. 1. Explanations on interest rates and their role 2. Interest rate. The rate of return 3. Interest rate and the bond prices 4. The relations of interest rates and bond prices
6 Chapter 7: The determinants of interest rates 1. Market role on interest rates 2. Inflation level and interest rates 3. Impact of risk and other factors in interest rates 4. Time structure of interest rates 5. Hypothesis on time structure of interest rates
7 Chapter 8: The central bank 1. The banking system structure 2. The central bank and monetary policy 3. Monetary policy instruments. 4. Bank reserves, monetary base and broad money 5. Money supply. Who controls money supply 6. The velocity of money
8 Intermediet exam
9 Chapter 10: The commercial banks 1. Balance sheet of a commercial bank 2. Analyses of a commercial bank performance
10 Chapter 11: Cooperative banks 1. Savings and loan associations 2. International experience on the development of cooperative banks Cooperative banks and their role.
11 Chapter 12: The structure and regulation of banking industry 1. Banking structure. Banking competition 2. Regulation and supervision of commercial banks 3. Problems with banking regulation. 4. Deposit insurance schemes.
12 Chapter 13: Capital management at commercial banks 1. The capital composition of a commercial bank 2. The minimum level of capital required 3. Capital adequacy ratios. Risk weighted asset. 4. Methods for capital evaluation. Basel accord agreement.
13 Chapter 14: Foreign exchange markets 1. Foreign exchange rates. 2. The quotation of exchange rates. Different rates 3. Factors that influence the exchange rates movement.
14 Chapter 9: The commercial banks 1. The classification of commercial banks 2. Objectives of commercial banks 3. Main products and services of commercial banks
Prerequisite(s): Very good knowledge in the field of finance basics and macroeconomy
Textbook: • Mishkin Frederic “The economics of Money, banking and financial institutions, 2015 Drini Salko:, coauthor “Paraja dhe Banka, 2015
Other References: Leksionet dhe materialet e pergatitura nga pedagogu
Laboratory Work:
Computer Usage: yes
Others: No
1  To teach the students main concepts on money and banking
2  To learn the basics of interest rates and the prices of financial instruments
3  To learn quantitative theories on money demand and sources of money supply
4  To understand commercial banking activities as well as cooperative bank activities (Savings and loan institutions
5  To have good level of understanding on central banking activities, monetary policy instruments and how these are used for interventions.
6  To learn the basis of bank management
7  To have good leve of understanding on kooperative bank
8  Basics of capital requirements for a sound banking system
(Blank : no contribution, 1: least contribution ... 5: highest contribution)
No Program Competencies Cont.
Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Albanian) Program
1 Studentet do të mund të fitojnë aftësi për të kuptuar, analizuar, dhe zgjidhur problem dhe studime rasti ne lidhje me tregjet dhe institucionet financiare. 5
2 Ata do të specializohen në parimet e tregjeve financiare. 5
3 Ata do të marrin njohuri përsa i përket llojeve dhe shërbimeve në institucionet financiare. 5
4 Ata do të mësojnë parimet dhe teoritë e tregjeve financiare ndërkombëtare. 2
5 Ata do të përvetësojnë aplikimet dhe veprimet që kryhen në tregjet e këmbimit valuator. 2
6 Ata do të marrin njohuri për të gjithë llojet dhe përdorimet e derivateve financiare. 1
7 Ata kanë aftësitë e nevojshme që kërkohen ne sektorin privat dhe atë shtetëror . 4
8 Ata kanë për qëllim të bëhen specialist në një nga fushat e departamentit që ata zgjedhin nga lista e ekonomisë së përgjithshme, ekonomisë financiare, financës publike, financës së korporatës, menaxhimit financiar, financa ndërkombëtare, tregjet dhe institucionet financiare, sistemi bankar dhe banka qëndrore, financa ndërkombëtare dhe sistemi bankar, paraja dhe sistemi bankar, tregjet ndërkombëtare dhe sistemi bankar. 4
9 Studentët do të kenë mundësi të përvetësojnë teoritë e menaxhimit të riskut në mënyrë që të zgjidhin problemet në lidhje me rezikun financiar. 2
10 Ata do të mësojnë parimet e kompanive të sigurimeve që operojne në tregjet ndërkombëtare dhe ato vëndase. 2
Method Quantity Percentage
Midterm Exam(s)
Total Percent: 100%
Activities Quantity Duration(Hours) Total Workload(Hours)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 16 256
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 0
Mid-terms 0
Assignments 0
Final examination 0
Other 0
Total Work Load:
Total Work Load/25(h):
ECTS Credit of the Course: