Code Course Type Regular Semester Theory Practice Lab Credits ECTS
LAW 215 A 3 3 0 0 3 5
Academic staff member responsible for the design of the course syllabus (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) Dr. Gentjan Skara
Main Course Lecturer (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: Dr. Gentjan Skara , Wednesdays 12-1:30 or by appointment
Second Course Lecturer(s) (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: NA
Language: English
Compulsory/Elective: Compulsory
Study program: (the study for which this course is offered) Integrated second cycle study program in Law
Classroom and Meeting Time: Thursdays, 13:45-16:30, D201
Teaching Assistant(s) and Office Hours: NA
Code of Ethics: Code of Ethics of EPOKA University
Regulation of EPOKA University "On Student Discipline"
Attendance Requirement: yes
Course Description: KThis course provides students with the basic and main concepts as well as with the necessary tools to independently conduct a research project and to carry out academic writing and presentations. Concepts of what the science of research is and how research is carried out are also covered in this course. Next, the concepts of how to handle a topic as well as of how to develop and evaluate the ideas that researchers have regarding conducting a study are discussed. A special aspect of the course is related to the communication of results and their connection with scientific knowledge. Reading techniques are also given in this course accompanied with techniques on how to improve the writing style by maximizing the structures used. Special issues of oral presentation and communication with interested parties are also addressed in this course.
Course Objectives: Students are equipped with research strategies and writing skills to succeed in their discipline. They will learn different modes of writing throughout the semester. They will learn how to conduct research and to write research proposals.
1 academic research
2 academic writing
3 literature review
4 abstract
5 methodology
6 plagiarism
7 primary sources
8 secondary sources
9 references
Week Topics
1 This week will provide an introduction to legal research. It will cover the following topics: -What is legal research? - The importance of legal research - Introduction of Albanian Legal System
2 This week covers law and sources of Law. It discusses the sources of law in the Albanian legal system; the hierarchy of laws and the legislative process based on the Constitution of Albania adopted in 1998, last amended in 2022.
3 This week provides a writing law assessment on undergraduate courses. It discusses common complaints and basic points of the assessment. Moreover, practical information on the assessment on how to research and evaluate will be given. Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 5-16.
4 This week cover a presentation of law assessments. It discusses the following topics: i) word-processed work; ii) adopting good practice in grammar, punctuation and spelling; iii) clear and coherent writing style; iv) avoiding plagiarism; v) providing authority; vi) reading over your answer; vii) answering the question; viii) reasons why students fail to answer the question; ix) writing critically and gaining enhanced grades and x) summary of writing and presentational skills. Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 17-76
5 This week discuss legal reasoning and critical thinking in assessments. It provides to the students with the necessary skills to think and write critically. Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 77-98
6 This week provides practical information on good and bad essays. Two examples are taken and discussed with the students. Question 1: Contract law essay Question 2: Legal system and constitutional law essay Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 99-160
7 This week deals with answering problem questions through case studies. It covers the following topics: i) understanding problem questions and ii) how to tackle problem questions. Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 161-210
8 This week covers how to research and use legal materials. It provides the students practical information on: i) locating your sources; ii) using legal materials; iii) providing authority; iv) using cases; v) using statutory materials; vi) using law journals; and vii) using websites Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 211-264
9 Mid term exam
10 This week shows legal referencing and citation. Students will learn how to: i) cite cases; ii) cite statutory materials; iii) cite journals; iv) cite books; v) cite websites and vi) build a bibliography. Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 265-285
11 This week provides tips for preparing for and answering exam questions. It covers general exam skills and the importance of the revision process. Students will analyse a case study. Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 285-328
12 This week deals with researching and writing advanced essays. Students will start researching and writing an essay. Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 329-345
13 Researching and writing advanced essays II This week deals with researching and writing advanced essays. Students will start researching and writing an essay. Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019) 346-350
14 This week covers writing a legal memorandum. Students will understand the objective and purpose of a legal memorandum. In addition, students will do some practical exercises on how to write a legal memorandum Hope Viner Samborn and Andrea B Yelin, Basic Legal Writing for Paralegals (5th edn, Aspen College Series, Wolters Kluwer 2016) Chapter 7
Prerequisite(s): Intermediate or higher English skills.
Textbook(s): - The Constitution of Albania adopted in 1998, last amended in 2022. - Hope Viner Samborn and Andrea B Yelin, Basic Legal Writing for Paralegals (5th edn, Aspen College Series, Wolters Kluwer 2016) Steve Foster, Legal Writing Skills: A guide to Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions (5th edn, Pearson 2019)
Additional Literature: Readings will be distributed during the semester on key topics, including on how to organize writing, how to conduct academic research, how to write a literature review, how to write a case study analysis, how to write a resume and motivation letter, and how to write a research proposal.
Laboratory Work:
Computer Usage: For research and writing
Others: No
1 Students will read efficiently and critically
2 Students will use academic vocabulary and style
3 Students will critically review peer work
4 Students will critically engage with academic litearture
5 Students will write and revise academic papers
6 Students will present academic work to a critical audience
(Blank : no contribution, 1: least contribution ... 5: highest contribution)
No Program Competencies Cont.
Integrated second cycle study program in Law Program
1 Fitimi dhe përdorimi i njohurive të avancuara në fushën e drejtësisë dhe jurisprudencës, mbështetur në tekstet mësimore, materialet dhe burimet e tjera shkencore. 4
2 Fitimi i njohurive rreth çështjeve dhe problematikave të fushës së drejtësisë, së bashku me analizën e aspekteve historike, shoqërore e politike. 4
3 Fitimi i njohurive rreth organizimit të shtetit. 3
4 Fitimi i njohurive rreth kapaciteteve të analizës lidhur me konceptet dhe ndarjet kryesore të degëve të së drejtës. 4
5 Përmirësimi i aftësive për të punuar së bashku me disiplinat kryesore të shkencave sociale dhe disiplinat e tjera të cilat janë të lidhura me drejtësinë. 4
6 Fitimi i njohurive rreth drejtësisë duke përthithur terminologjinë profesionale të fushës. 4
7 Përcaktimi i ngjarjeve dhe temave komplekse, nëpërmjet zhvillimit të diskutimeve dhe bërjes së sugjerimeve të reja në përputhje me hulumtimet e fushës. 4
8 Fitimi i aftësive në përdorimin e programeve kompjuterike dhe të teknologjisë së informacionit me qëllim arritjen e qasjes në dijen aktuale. 4
9 Përmirësimi i të menduarit kritik dhe aftësive në kryerjen e hulumtimit në mënyrë të pavarur. 5
10 Fitimi i njohurive për të folur në një gjuhë të huaj në një nivel të mjaftueshëm për të komunikuar me kolegët dhe për të kuptuar zhvillimet bashkëkohore në fushën e drejtësisë dhe të jurisprudencës. 5
11 Fitimi i aftësive për të respektuar vlerat shoqërore, shkencore dhe etike gjatë mbledhjes dhe interpretimit të të dhënave që kanë të bëjnë me zhvillimet shoqërore dhe atyre në drejtësi. 5
12 Ndërgjegjësimi në lidhje me rëndësinë e të drejtave të njeriut dhe mjedisit. 5
Method Quantity Percentage
Midterm Exam(s)
Final Exam
Total Percent: 100%
Activities Quantity Duration(Hours) Total Workload(Hours)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 3 48
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 16 2 32
Mid-terms 1 15 15
Assignments 1 5 5
Final examination 1 25 25
Other 1 0
Total Work Load:
Total Work Load/25(h):
ECTS Credit of the Course:

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