Code Course Type Regular Semester Theory Practice Lab Credits ECTS
LAW 405 B 7 4 0 0 4 6
Academic staff member responsible for the design of the course syllabus (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) Dr. Eglantina Farruku
Main Course Lecturer (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: Dr. Eglantina Farruku
Second Course Lecturer(s) (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: NA
Language: English
Compulsory/Elective: Compulsory
Study program: (the study for which this course is offered) Integrated second cycle study program in Law
Classroom and Meeting Time:
Teaching Assistant(s) and Office Hours: NA
Code of Ethics: Code of Ethics of EPOKA University
Regulation of EPOKA University "On Student Discipline"
Attendance Requirement:
Course Description: The course will focus on the main knowledge of international civil procedure and international jurisdiction in conflict resolution when the laws of more than one jurisdiction are involved. The course will focus on jurisdiction in international law, consular immunities, competences in judicial conflicts, recognition and implementation of foreign court decisions. The course will analyze the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States, the Rome and Brussels Conventions, in order to identify the applicable cases according to the conventions. In the framework of interactivity, it is foreseen that for each hour of the lecture, there will be a debate on various issues that are of interest to the study and judicial practice.
Course Objectives: After completing this subject, students will be able to know Private International Law in general, issues related to the jurisdiction of the national court, applicable law, choice of law for various issues related to family, property, contractual obligations and outsourcing and arbitration.
1 Conflict norms
2 Connection Criteria
3 Foreign element
4 Applicable law
5 Public order clause
6 Lex Fori
7 Lex Loci
Week Topics
1 General introduction to private international law/ Historical overview of private international law General knowledge of private international law explaining some of the most important concepts of the subject as well as analyzing its historical development and scope. Also, the relationship between private international law and other branches of law, such as public international law, constitutional law and civil law, including family law, the law of obligations, commercial law, etc., is examined (Page 13 -40)
2 Sources of private international law Explanation of sources of private international law including national and international sources. The topic deals with how international sources become part of the domestic legal system, taking into account the procedure provided for in the Constitution. (Pages 41-58)
3 Private international legal relations This topic deals with private international legal relations by defining what are the subjects of this relation and their rights and obligations. The lecture focuses especially on the state as a special subject of the legal relationship. Also, natural persons in the capacity of Albanian and foreign citizens and legal persons are analyzed, mentioning their legal position. (pp. 59-94)
4 Conflict norms, its construction and features This topic gives the meaning of the conflict norm, its function and characteristics. Also, this lecture analyzes the constituent elements of the conflict norm which are the statement of facts and the criterion of connection. (Pages 95-118) Application and effects of conflict norms The topic focuses on the application of conflict norms, taking into account the connection criteria that exist in the legal relationship with foreign elements. Among the objectives of this week are the giving of meanings and the reflection with examples of notions such as the public order clause, the principle of reciprocity and the ways of referring to foreign law. (Pages 119-136)
5 Family law in private international law (Marriage) This topic aims to identify the law applicable to family relationships that have foreign elements inside. So, it is determined which is the law applicable to the form of marriage, the conditions of marriage, the personal and property relations of the spouses, as well as the invalidity and dissolution of marriage. (Pg.187-213) Family law in private international law (Parental responsibility, adoption, guardianship) Determination of applicable law for family relations with foreign elements related to parental responsibility, obligation to support, adoption and guardianship. (Pages 214-222)
6 Property in private international law This topic defines the law applicable to matters related to property such as ways of acquiring property, possession, ownership of things and rights to intangible goods. (Pg.149-166) Inheritance in private international law This issue deals with the historical development of inheritance in private international law by examining the main problems related to legal and testamentary inheritance and determining the law that will be applied in relation to them. (Pages 167-186)
7 Contractual and non-contractual obligations in private international law First, the topic presents a comparative historical panorama of the match of different legislations in the law of obligations and then identifies the law applicable to some of the most important contracts of civil circulation. (Pages 223-288)
8 Jurisdiction of Albanian courts in examining cases with foreign elements Based on the provisions of the law on private international law, this lecture aims to determine the jurisdiction of Albanian courts in examining cases with foreign elements, focusing especially on the meaning of jurisdiction international, exclusive jurisdiction and that determined by agreement. (Law on Private International Law, articles 71-81)
9 Midterm exam
10 Recognition and implementation of foreign court decisions This topic deals with the procedure of how foreign court decisions are recognized by Albanian courts and how they are implemented. It also dwells on the legal doctrine that deals with certain types of recognition of foreign judicial decisions. (Pages 367-395)
11 International arbitration As one of the most important institutes in legal relations with foreign elements, this lecture aims to provide students with knowledge on the historical development of international arbitration, mentioning the function and the great role it has for the resolution of conflicts that have internal elements foreign. (Pages 327-366)
12 The Core of European Private International Law; The Brussels I Recast Regulation; Case 29/76 Eurocontrol; C-645/11 Sapir; pp. 21-40; European International Private Law
13 Insurance, Consumer and Employment Contracts: Articles 10 – 23; pp: 89-110; European International Private Law
14 The Core of European Private International Law: Applicable Law — Contract; pp 202-230;European International Private Law
Prerequisite(s): -
Textbook(s): 1-Ardian Kalia, Private International Law, Tirana: 2008 2- School of Magistrate, Commentary on Private International Law, 2020 3-Law No. 10 428, dated 2.6.2011 on Private International Law
Additional Literature: Geert van Calster, European Private International Law, second edition, Hart Publishing: Oxford, 2016
Laboratory Work:
Computer Usage:
Others: No
1 After completing the course, in terms of the judicial process, the student will be able to assess the importance of the preliminary identification of the possible space for litigation and determine the appropriate court for resolving conflicts in family, contractual or non-contractual matters.
2 After completing the course, the student will be able to understand the nature of the choice of law process and determine the law applicable to contracts, as well as be able to evaluate the procedure for the recognition and implementation of foreign court decisions
3 Regarding the part of the course that deals with arbitration, the student will be able to understand the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration as one of the forms of alternative solutions of civil judicial conflicts, draft arbitration agreements, choose institutional or ad hoc arbitration , to understand the role of domestic courts in arbitration proceedings and to understand the mechanism of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.
(Blank : no contribution, 1: least contribution ... 5: highest contribution)
No Program Competencies Cont.
Integrated second cycle study program in Law Program
1 Fitimi dhe përdorimi i njohurive të avancuara në fushën e drejtësisë dhe jurisprudencës, mbështetur në tekstet mësimore, materialet dhe burimet e tjera shkencore. 5
2 Fitimi i njohurive rreth çështjeve dhe problematikave të fushës së drejtësisë, së bashku me analizën e aspekteve historike, shoqërore e politike. 5
3 Fitimi i njohurive rreth organizimit të shtetit. 5
4 Fitimi i njohurive rreth kapaciteteve të analizës lidhur me konceptet dhe ndarjet kryesore të degëve të së drejtës. 5
5 Përmirësimi i aftësive për të punuar së bashku me disiplinat kryesore të shkencave sociale dhe disiplinat e tjera të cilat janë të lidhura me drejtësinë. 4
6 Fitimi i njohurive rreth drejtësisë duke përthithur terminologjinë profesionale të fushës. 5
7 Përcaktimi i ngjarjeve dhe temave komplekse, nëpërmjet zhvillimit të diskutimeve dhe bërjes së sugjerimeve të reja në përputhje me hulumtimet e fushës. 5
8 Fitimi i aftësive në përdorimin e programeve kompjuterike dhe të teknologjisë së informacionit me qëllim arritjen e qasjes në dijen aktuale. 3
9 Përmirësimi i të menduarit kritik dhe aftësive në kryerjen e hulumtimit në mënyrë të pavarur. 5
10 Fitimi i njohurive për të folur në një gjuhë të huaj në një nivel të mjaftueshëm për të komunikuar me kolegët dhe për të kuptuar zhvillimet bashkëkohore në fushën e drejtësisë dhe të jurisprudencës. 5
11 Fitimi i aftësive për të respektuar vlerat shoqërore, shkencore dhe etike gjatë mbledhjes dhe interpretimit të të dhënave që kanë të bëjnë me zhvillimet shoqërore dhe atyre në drejtësi. 4
12 Ndërgjegjësimi në lidhje me rëndësinë e të drejtave të njeriut dhe mjedisit.
Method Quantity Percentage
Midterm Exam(s)
Term Paper
Final Exam
Total Percent: 100%
Activities Quantity Duration(Hours) Total Workload(Hours)
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 4 64
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 14 2 28
Mid-terms 0
Assignments 1 20 20
Final examination 0
Other 1 38 38
Total Work Load:
Total Work Load/25(h):
ECTS Credit of the Course:

The student is obliged to respect the rules of ethics included in the internal regulations such as the Student Discipline Regulations, Rules on the Organization of Exams, etc. The student bears full responsibility in any case of violation of the rules related to the organization of exams, plagiarism, forgery. Also, bears responsibility in case of violations of all other norms that regulate relations between students with each other and with academic and support staff