Code | Course Type | Regular Semester | Theory | Practice | Lab | Credits | ECTS |
LAW 409 | B | 7 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 6 |
Academic staff member responsible for the design of the course syllabus (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) | Prof.Dr. Endri Papajorgji epapajorgji@epoka.edu.al |
Main Course Lecturer (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: | Prof.Dr. Endri Papajorgji epapajorgji@epoka.edu.al , During working hours |
Second Course Lecturer(s) (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature) and Office Hours: | NA |
Language: | English |
Compulsory/Elective: | Compulsory |
Study program: (the study for which this course is offered) | Integrated second cycle study program in Law |
Classroom and Meeting Time: | Thursday 8:45 - 12:30 |
Teaching Assistant(s) and Office Hours: | NA |
Code of Ethics: |
Code of Ethics of EPOKA University Regulation of EPOKA University "On Student Discipline" |
Attendance Requirement: | In person (Online in exceptional cases) |
Course Description: | This course aims to train students with in-depth information on the international components of copyright, patents, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property rights. In detail, this course will deal with the legal concept of works which are the fruit of the intellectual/industrial creativity of natural/legal persons; the conditions that must be met for the products of intellectual creativity to enjoy protection from each normative act in force; entities that the law recognizes the right to appeal in administrative and judicial ways; the procedure followed for examining the appeal and making the decision. The course will analyze the basic principles and legal instruments of international intellectual property law, including consideration of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary Works and Artistic Property and the WTO Agreement on Trade- Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS). The course will acquaint students with recent developments in the European Union and the problems of implementing intellectual property rights in less developed countries. |
Course Objectives: |
1 | Ability to understand general rules and principles of IP protection within the framework of the major international treaties and conventions. |
2 | Ability to make a proper distinction between the national, regional and international instruments of protection and enforcement of IP rights. |
3 | Ability to understand the principle of territoriality and to solve conflicts of law and jurisdictional problems. |
4 | Ability to explain the effects of the international harmonization of intellectual property on national laws, and to identify the areas still characterized by divergent national solutions. |
Week | Topics |
1 | Introduction - History and general concepts. Creations of the mind, inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols, names and images used in commerce. An introduction to domestic and international intellectual property law. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 10-34. |
2 | Patents, Copyright. The WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 43-67. |
3 | The Law of Patents and Allied Rights I. European patent law. The procedure for obtaining a European patent. Patentable subject matter. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 104-156. |
4 | The Law of Patents and Allied Rights II. Secondary patentability requirements Patent protection and exploitation. Plant variety rights and supplementary protection certificates. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 157-203. |
5 | The Law of Copyright and Related Rights I. Introduction to the European and International law of copyright and related rights. The subsistence and ownership of copyright and related rights. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 213-243. |
6 | The Law of Copyright and Related Rights II. The rights conferred by copyright and related rights. Copyright and related rights exceptions and limitations. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 256-289. |
7 | The Law of Trade Marks and Allied Rights I. Registration and use of the trade mark Infringement and revocation of the trade mark. Trade marks and the free movement aspects of EU Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 312-352. |
8 | The Law of Trade Marks and Allied Rights II. Unfair competition law. Indications of geographical origin. Designs. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 362-414. |
9 | Midterm Exam |
10 | Data and Information I. Introduction to rights in data and information. Database rights. Intellectual Property in the age of internet (electronic commerce and data). Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 421-452 |
11 | Data and Information II. Data protection and data exclusivity. Trade secrets. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 487-512 |
12 | Enforcement and Remedies. Enforcement. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 515-563 • |
13 | Enforcement and Remedies. Remedies. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 601-640 |
14 | Dispute settlement and alternative dispute resolution. Choice of Law in Intellectual Property Disputes. Future Trends. Pila, J. Torremans, P. (2019). European Intellectual Property Law. P. 680-704. |
Prerequisite(s): | |
Textbook(s): | Justin Pila/Paul Torremans, European Intellectual Property Law (Oxford University Press 2019) - Abbe Brown/Smita Kheria/Jane Cornwell/Marta Iljadica, Contemporary Intellectual Property Law. Law and Policy (Oxford University Press 2019) [this one has an additional UK focus] - James Boyle and Jennifer Jenkins, Open IP Casebook (2021) |
Additional Literature: | |
Laboratory Work: | |
Computer Usage: | |
Others: | No |
1 | Ability to understand general rules and principles of IP protection within the framework of the major international treaties and conventions. |
2 | Ability to make a proper distinction between the national, regional and international instruments of protection and enforcement of IP rights. |
3 | Ability to understand the principle of territoriality and to solve conflicts of law and jurisdictional problems. |
4 | Ability to explain the effects of the international harmonization of intellectual property on national laws, and to identify the areas still characterized by divergent national solutions. |
5 | Ability to understand the general rules and principles of IP in Albania. |
(Blank : no contribution, 1: least contribution ... 5: highest contribution) |
No | Program Competencies | Cont. |
Integrated second cycle study program in Law Program | ||
1 | Fitimi dhe përdorimi i njohurive të avancuara në fushën e drejtësisë dhe jurisprudencës, mbështetur në tekstet mësimore, materialet dhe burimet e tjera shkencore. | 5 |
2 | Fitimi i njohurive rreth çështjeve dhe problematikave të fushës së drejtësisë, së bashku me analizën e aspekteve historike, shoqërore e politike. | 5 |
3 | Fitimi i njohurive rreth organizimit të shtetit. | 5 |
4 | Fitimi i njohurive rreth kapaciteteve të analizës lidhur me konceptet dhe ndarjet kryesore të degëve të së drejtës. | 5 |
5 | Përmirësimi i aftësive për të punuar së bashku me disiplinat kryesore të shkencave sociale dhe disiplinat e tjera të cilat janë të lidhura me drejtësinë. | 4 |
6 | Fitimi i njohurive rreth drejtësisë duke përthithur terminologjinë profesionale të fushës. | 5 |
7 | Përcaktimi i ngjarjeve dhe temave komplekse, nëpërmjet zhvillimit të diskutimeve dhe bërjes së sugjerimeve të reja në përputhje me hulumtimet e fushës. | 5 |
8 | Fitimi i aftësive në përdorimin e programeve kompjuterike dhe të teknologjisë së informacionit me qëllim arritjen e qasjes në dijen aktuale. | 5 |
9 | Përmirësimi i të menduarit kritik dhe aftësive në kryerjen e hulumtimit në mënyrë të pavarur. | 5 |
10 | Fitimi i njohurive për të folur në një gjuhë të huaj në një nivel të mjaftueshëm për të komunikuar me kolegët dhe për të kuptuar zhvillimet bashkëkohore në fushën e drejtësisë dhe të jurisprudencës. | 5 |
11 | Fitimi i aftësive për të respektuar vlerat shoqërore, shkencore dhe etike gjatë mbledhjes dhe interpretimit të të dhënave që kanë të bëjnë me zhvillimet shoqërore dhe atyre në drejtësi. | 4 |
12 | Ndërgjegjësimi në lidhje me rëndësinë e të drejtave të njeriut dhe mjedisit. |
Method | Quantity | Percentage |
Midterm Exam(s) |
Project |
Final Exam |
Attendance |
Total Percent: | 100% |
Activities | Quantity | Duration(Hours) | Total Workload(Hours) |
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) | 16 | 4 | 64 |
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) | 13 | 4 | 52 |
Mid-terms | 1 | 11 | 11 |
Assignments | 2 | 3.5 | 7 |
Final examination | 1 | 16 | 16 |
Other | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total Work Load:
150 | ||
Total Work Load/25(h):
6 | ||
ECTS Credit of the Course:
6 |
NA |