Academic staff member responsible for the design of the course syllabus
(name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature)
Dr. Gentjan Skara
Main Course Lecturer (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address
and signature) and Office Hours:
M.Sc. Gledis Nano
, N/A
Second Course Lecturer(s) (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email
address and signature) and Office Hours:
Language: |
Compulsory/Elective: |
Study program: (the study for which this course is offered) |
Integrated second cycle study program in Law
Classroom and Meeting Time: |
Tuesday, 08:40- 12:30; D-102
Teaching Assistant(s) and Office Hours: |
Code of Ethics: |
Code of Ethics of EPOKA University
Regulation of EPOKA University "On Student Discipline"
Attendance Requirement: |
Course Description: |
The course “Contemporary Issues in Law” provides a new and exciting way of exploring the changing dynamics of the law. The course is designed to cover a broad spectrum of topical issues, which are set within the framework of a common theme. This course enables the student to conduct constructive debates related to each week's topic and present before the class.
Course Objectives: |
The main objective of this course is to explore the changing dynamics of the law at national and international level. By covering a broad spectrum of topical issues, this course seeks to engage students to study and discuss most recent topics in law. Furthermore, the course is intended to give an orientation regarding the most important topics that can be chosen and elaborated for a graduation thesis.
1 |
2 |
Law and Technology
3 |
Covid-19 and Human Rights
4 |
Vetting Process
5 |
Ukraine Russia Conflict
6 |
Online Platform
Week |
Topics |
1 |
An introduction to the Albanian Judicial Reform: the Need for a judicial reform This week will discuss the necessity of 2016 judicial reform. It will be focused on the analytical document and highlight main problem identified. Grupi i Ekspertëve të Nivelit të Lartë, ‘Analize e Sistemit te Drejtesise ne Shqiperi’ (2015) |
2 |
Albanian Judicial Reform: Expectation and realities This week will analyse the Albanian Judicial Reform six year after implementation. It will discuss realities and expectations. |
3 |
EU Integration of Albania: opening the negotiations what next? This week will discuss the opening of negotiations with the EU. It will explain what this process means and why it is so important. In the end, a simulation game will be done concerning one chapter of EU acquis. |
4 |
Contemporary issues in Criminal law in Albania. This week will focus on the problems affecting the criminal law and criminal procedure law, of the Republic of Albania. Ersi Bozheku and Enida Bozheku, ‘The Reform of the Albanian Legal System Between Challenges and Problems, With Particular Focus on the Criminal Justice Issues’ Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2021, 10(6) 248 |
5 |
Contemporary issues in Civil law in Albania. This week will focus on the problems affecting the civil law and civil procedure law of the Republic of Albania. |
6 |
Contemporary issues in Constitutional law in Albania. This week will focus on the problems affecting the constitutional law of the Republic of Albania. |
7 |
Covid – 19 and Human Rights I. The crises unfolding with the COVID-19 pandemic are challenging the whole spectrum of rights enshrined in international human rights treaties. With the rapid spread of the coronavirus among prisons, detention centres and medical facilities, as well as rising reports of discrimination, abuses, derogations and income losses, special measures and international collaboration to protect the most vulnerable groups are urgent and paramount. This class will be focus on the restriction of human rights as a result of the COVID-19. A reference will be made to the Council of Europe and ECtHR cases. Council of Europe, ‘Respecting democracy, rule of law and human rights in the framework of the COVID-19 sanitary crisis: A toolkit for member states’. Available at:; Morten Kjaerum, Martha F. Davis, Amanda Lyons (eds) 'COVID-19 and Human Rights' Routledge 2021 |
8 |
Covid – 19 and Human Rights II. The crises unfolding with the COVID-19 pandemic are challenging the whole spectrum of rights enshrined in international human rights treaties. With the rapid spread of the coronavirus among prisons, detention centres and medical facilities, as well as rising reports of discrimination, abuses, derogations and income losses, special measures and international collaboration to protect the most vulnerable groups are urgent and paramount. This class will be focus on the restriction of human rights as a result of the COVID-19. A reference will be made to the Council of Europe and ECtHR cases. Council of Europe, ‘Respecting democracy, rule of law and human rights in the framework of the COVID-19 sanitary crisis: A toolkit for member states’. Available at:; Morten Kjaerum, Martha F. Davis, Amanda Lyons (eds) 'COVID-19 and Human Rights' Routledge 2021 |
9 |
Midterm Exam |
10 |
Russia, Ukraine & International Law: On Occupation, Armed Conflict and Human Rights EU Parliament, ‘Russia’s war on Ukraine in international law and human rights bodies: Bringing institutions back in’ 08 April 2022. Available at: |
11 |
The Future of Law: emerging new Technology The rapid rise of technology has raised a host of legal and ethical issues that are distinctive to the 21st Century. In this class we will provide an overview of how emerging technologies fit within the existing legal frameworks, and how the frameworks will change to adopt the benefits. Lilian Edwards, Burkhard Schafer, Edina Harbinja, Future Law: Emerging Technology, Regulation and Ethics Edinburgh University Press 2020 |
12 |
AI Act in EU This week will focus on the AI Act in the EU. The European Commission’s proposed Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act attempts to regulate a wide range of AI applications, aligning them with EU values and fundamental rights through a risk-based approach. The lesson will be focused on the impact that AI has on fundamental rights. Artur Bogucki, Alex Engler, Clément Perarnaud, Andrea Renda, The AI Act and Emerging Eu Digital Acquis: Overlaps, gaps and inconsistencies CEPS 2022 |
13 |
EU Competition law and Digital Market Act. This week will discuss the recent Regulation that regulated the online platforms in the EU (DMA). |
14 |
Cybersecurity, digitalization, and personal security Warning։ Connect safely With the Internet becoming an increasing part of everyday life, individuals, businesses, hospitals, institutions and governments are having to contend with a growing number of cyber attacks. In this class will be discussed about the Cybersecurity, digitalization, and personal security Warning. A special emphasise will be paid on the issue how to stay safely on the internet. Doug Cahill, ‘Enabling Cybersecurity in the Age of Digital Transformation’ White Paper. Available at: |
No |
Program Competencies |
Cont. |
Integrated second cycle study program in Law Program |
1 |
Fitimi dhe përdorimi i njohurive të avancuara në fushën e drejtësisë dhe jurisprudencës, mbështetur në tekstet mësimore, materialet dhe burimet e tjera shkencore. |
4 |
2 |
Fitimi i njohurive rreth çështjeve dhe problematikave të fushës së drejtësisë, së bashku me analizën e aspekteve historike, shoqërore e politike. |
5 |
3 |
Fitimi i njohurive rreth organizimit të shtetit. |
5 |
4 |
Fitimi i njohurive rreth kapaciteteve të analizës lidhur me konceptet dhe ndarjet kryesore të degëve të së drejtës. |
5 |
5 |
Përmirësimi i aftësive për të punuar së bashku me disiplinat kryesore të shkencave sociale dhe disiplinat e tjera të cilat janë të lidhura me drejtësinë. |
5 |
6 |
Fitimi i njohurive rreth drejtësisë duke përthithur terminologjinë profesionale të fushës. |
5 |
7 |
Përcaktimi i ngjarjeve dhe temave komplekse, nëpërmjet zhvillimit të diskutimeve dhe bërjes së sugjerimeve të reja në përputhje me hulumtimet e fushës. |
5 |
8 |
Fitimi i aftësive në përdorimin e programeve kompjuterike dhe të teknologjisë së informacionit me qëllim arritjen e qasjes në dijen aktuale. |
5 |
9 |
Përmirësimi i të menduarit kritik dhe aftësive në kryerjen e hulumtimit në mënyrë të pavarur. |
5 |
10 |
Fitimi i njohurive për të folur në një gjuhë të huaj në një nivel të mjaftueshëm për të komunikuar me kolegët dhe për të kuptuar zhvillimet bashkëkohore në fushën e drejtësisë dhe të jurisprudencës. |
5 |
11 |
Fitimi i aftësive për të respektuar vlerat shoqërore, shkencore dhe etike gjatë mbledhjes dhe interpretimit të të dhënave që kanë të bëjnë me zhvillimet shoqërore dhe atyre në drejtësi. |
4 |
12 |
Ndërgjegjësimi në lidhje me rëndësinë e të drejtave të njeriut dhe mjedisit. |