Academic staff member responsible for the design of the course syllabus
(name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address and signature)
Main Course Lecturer (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email address
and signature) and Office Hours:
M.Sc. Ardit Lena
, Ardit Lena
Second Course Lecturer(s) (name, surname, academic title/scientific degree, email
address and signature) and Office Hours:
Teaching Assistant(s) and Office Hours: |
Language: |
Compulsory/Elective: |
Study program: (the study for which this course is offered) |
Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Albanian)
Classroom and Meeting Time: |
45 minutes
Code of Ethics: |
Code of Ethics of EPOKA University
Regulation of EPOKA University "On Student Discipline"
Attendance Requirement: |
Course Description: |
This course is intended to develop reading, speaking and writing skills of students in German language. Is a beginner level course. The main goal is to be able to learn how to navigate through daily activities in a German-speaking environment. Each session contains a dialog, vocabulary, grammar notes and drills.
Course Objectives: |
Students are expected to develop basic communicative competences in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The main goal is to be able to learn how to navigate through daily activities in a German-speaking environment, such as ordering food in a restaurant, shopping at the grocery store/supermarket, getting around in the city, and conducting simple conversations about yourself (studies, hobbies, and fields of interest). The textbook Schritte A2 and additional authentic materials, deals primarily with everyday situations and provide a good opportunity to develop your individual language skills.
1 |
formulation of subordinating sentences and verbs with prepositions.
2 |
expressed more in German
Week |
Topics |
1 |
to get to know. Give reasons. Family tree: reporting on the families |
2 |
Give location information, give directions, understand conversations between neighbors. alternate prepositions |
3 |
Guten Appetit,give frequency information, talk to the restaurant. Indefinite pronouns in the nominative and accusative |
4 |
give advice, make phone calls at work |
5 |
give health tips, express feelings |
6 |
Testimony speaking about the path of formation. talk about school system |
7 |
Talking about gifts and expressing ideas |
8 |
Expressing opposites, expressing wishes, making suggestions |
9 |
Mid-Term |
10 |
Understand impersonal issues, describe products, understand news, passive, adjective declination |
11 |
Provide location information from where, describe routes, traffic news, weather conditions |
12 |
Specify travel destinations, book a trip, plan a dream trip. local prepositions |
13 |
Secret number. inform yourself at the bank counter, talk about services |
14 |
talking about the past repetition |
1 |
Reception: In listening students will be able to understand familiar, simple and everyday expressions and questions. They will be able to read and understand simple adapted texts and basic information given in posters, schedules, forms and other material in everyday language, both by listening to a person if he/she talks slowly, or by reading from texts containing illustrations/international words. |
2 |
Production: In speaking students can introduce him/herself and answer questions about personal details. With frequently used expressions that have been learned by heart, he/she may interact in routine matters such as shopping, going to restaurant, seeing a doctor, and travelling, provided the other person adjusts themselves to his/her limited language skills. In writing students will be able to provide simple, everyday information (e.g. postcards), fill out forms with personal data, connect simple sentences to write about his/her immediate environment, daily routines, and family and friends. |
3 |
Reflection: Students will be able to self-correct their vocabulary use and conjugated forms in structured dialogues, if the teacher provides hints. They will gain social-cultural competences in German-speaking countries like greetings, dealing with time, behavior in public, or responding to personal invitation. Students will also be able to reflect in his/her native language on experiences in learning German, on their personal learning strategies, define their own learning goals and assess their progress accordingly. |
No |
Program Competencies |
Cont. |
Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Albanian) Program |
1 |
Studentët fitojnë aftësinë e të parit të problemeve te përditshme nga një perspektivë më e gjerë dhe të ndërgjegjësuar mbi rëndësinë e etikës profesionale dhe integritetit në vendin e punës |
2 |
2 |
Studentet zhvillojne njohuritë e tyre në fushën e bankë financës duke perfshirë, konceptet, teoritë dhe pjesën analitike. |
3 |
Studentet arrijne te kuptojnë bazat e financës së korporatave, rëndësinë e menaxhimit financiar në një sipërmarrje, si dhe te zgjerojnë më tej njohuritë në këtë fushë. |
4 |
Studentet jane te afte te aplikojne modelet e vleresimit te aseteve të ndryshme financiare, te masin riskun dhe normën e kthimit dhe të përshkruajnë raportin mes tyre. |
5 |
Studentët marrin njohuri mbi bazën ligjore dhe funksionimin e sistemit bankar dhe bankës qëndrore si dhe sistemin bankar ndërkombëtar. |
6 |
Studentet janë të aftë të kuptojnë dhe të vënë në përdorim teoritë themelore ekonomike dhe mjetet për të zgjidhur problemet ekonomike qe hasen ne industrinë e shërbimeve financiare dhe bankare. |
7 |
Studentet kanë aftësinë të pwrdorin të dhënat financiare, ekonomike dhe ato kontabël si dhe informacione të tjera për të zgjidhur probleme të ndryshme të biznesit me antë të modeleve statistikore dhe matematikore. |
8 |
Studentët zhvillojnë aftësitë në fushën e IT dhe ato numerike, si dhe njohuritë mbi databazat të cilat mund ti përdorin në industrinë e shërbimeve financiare për të adresuar zhvillimet rrënjësorë që ka sjellë teknologjia financiare. |
9 |
Studentët zhvillojnë aftësinë e të menduarit kritik, analizës, interpretimit, zgjidhjes së problemeve dhe nxjerrjes së konkluzioneve, si dhe komunikimit në mënyrë efektive në nivel individual apo në skuadër. |
2 |
10 |
Studentet kanë mundësinë e zotërimit të kompetencave apo aftësive për zhvillimin profesional në industrinë e shërbimeve financiare apo për të ndjekur studimet e mëtejshme brënda kësaj disipline. |
2 |