Assistant Lecturer in Business Administration/Operations Management

Evaluation Points Quantity
Articles published in journals indexed at SCI (Science Citation Index), SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) and AHCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index) 40
Articles published in journals indexed at Scopus or AVERY 30
Articles published in international peer reviewed journals 15
Publications in other scientific and professional journals 5
Poster presentations at national conferences 3
Poster presentations at international conferences 5
Articles submitted to national conferences, whose abstract has been published 5
Articles submitted to national scientific meetings which are published 7
Articles submitted to international conferences, whose abstract has been published 10
Presentations held at international scientific meetings which are published 15
Writing a book (according to scientific level) 50
Writing a part of a book 15
Translation of a part of a book 5
Translation of a book 15
Editing and arbitration
Editing of scientific or professional peer reviewed journal 20
Being a member of the editorial board of a peer reviewed scientific journal or the editor of such a journal 10
References to articles that appear in journals, point 3.1 (in addition to his articles) 5
For other references 2
Teaching activities
For each course taught at undergraduate level during the last five years 3
For each course taught at graduate level during the last five years 6
Thesis supervison
For each completed doctoral dissertation 15
For each completed Master's thesis 5
For each ongoing doctoral dissertation 8
For each ongoing Master's thesis 3
Completed research projects
Participation in a project supported by a national institution 4
Direction of a project supported by a national institution 8
Participation in a project supported by an international institution 5
Direction of a project supported by an international institution 10
National award in research 10
National award in science 15
International awards in research 20
International awards in science 30
Administrative task (for each year)
Rector 10
Vice-Rector and Dean 8
Vice-Dean, Department Head and Center Director 6
Rectorate and Decanate member 5
Leader in the areas of research 2