Articles published in journals indexed at SCI (Science Citation Index), SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) and AHCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index)
40 |
Articles published in journals indexed at Scopus or AVERY
30 |
Articles published in international peer reviewed journals
15 |
Publications in other scientific and professional journals
5 |
Poster presentations at national conferences
3 |
Poster presentations at international conferences
5 |
Articles submitted to national conferences, whose abstract has been published
5 |
Articles submitted to national scientific meetings which are published
7 |
Articles submitted to international conferences, whose abstract has been published
10 |
Presentations held at international scientific meetings which are published
15 |
Writing a book (according to scientific level)
50 |
Writing a part of a book
15 |
Translation of a part of a book
5 |
Translation of a book
15 |
Editing and arbitration
Editing of scientific or professional peer reviewed journal
20 |
Being a member of the editorial board of a peer reviewed scientific journal or the editor of such a journal
10 |
References to articles that appear in journals, point 3.1 (in addition to his articles)
5 |
For other references
2 |
Teaching activities
For each course taught at undergraduate level during the last five years
3 |
For each course taught at graduate level during the last five years
6 |
Thesis supervison
For each completed doctoral dissertation
15 |
For each completed Master's thesis
5 |
For each ongoing doctoral dissertation
8 |
For each ongoing Master's thesis
3 |
Completed research projects
Participation in a project supported by a national institution
4 |
Direction of a project supported by a national institution
8 |
Participation in a project supported by an international institution
5 |
Direction of a project supported by an international institution
10 |
National award in research
10 |
National award in science
15 |
International awards in research
20 |
International awards in science
30 |
Administrative task (for each year)
10 |
Vice-Rector and Dean
8 |
Vice-Dean, Department Head and Center Director
6 |
Rectorate and Decanate member
5 |
Leader in the areas of research
2 |